Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This acting thing....

Just watched A1 solos! Really helpful to watch others working their own text when I'm trying to write...

It's really interesting to see how different people used the container of 3 minutes. It's such a short amount of time. It made me think about the limitations work needs to grow.

So in terms of the scripts I'm writing- what limitations can I put in place that can help me?

It's really good to see when people are "at ease" too. You can see them being in the world and really enjoying the enviroment rather then worrying what we think as an audience.

SPECIFICITY-- I found that when I painted the world for myself really clearly in my solo (Kitchen scene--knowing where the kids were, what the kitchen looked like, what color the vinyl was....)I found that ease. I didn't have to push any sense of emotion, or try and do all the work and 'show' because I had that world to work from.

It also helped when I played the other characters (that I react to) and got clear on what they said- cos then in the show I knew what I was working with.

Confidence is such a massive part of this acting thing....But what does that even mean?


1. The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust: "we had everyconfidence in the staff".
2. The state of feeling certain about the truth of something.


early 15c., from M.Fr. confidence or directly from L. confidentia, from confidentem (nom. confidens) "firmly trusting, bold," prp. of confidere "to have full trust or reliance," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + fidere "to trust"

TRUST is a huge part of it. Trusting your own ability, trusting your writing and commiting to bringing that world to life.

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